Menu for Companies
Scope of Medical Director Services, all aspects of occupational health including but not limited to the following (Additional Services Menu available on request, adjustments in contract depending on the frequency of the specific request):
- Drug Screens with directed Medical Review Officer (MRO) services for all employees of companies and subcontractors. (Drug Screening Programs)
- After-hours Occupational Injuries, including occupational emergencies, dedicated trauma suite. 24/7 after-hours on site coordination, operation, and staffing of medical facility by OHS.
- Medical Doctor services for difficult cases that may not be work related.
- Safety meetings to educate supervisors on how to manage an injury from start to finish. A 24 hour supervisor hot line to start the documentation and reporting process for all work related injuries/exposures. Prevention of non-work related injury or illness from returning to work without evaluation by OHS or an OHS selected provider. OHS may request an additional safety performance evaluation by an onsite safety manager.
- Ergonomic, Industrial Hygiene, Radiation Safety, Construction and Demolition medical oversight. Recommendations for the Best of the Best when partnering for contracts with one stop shopping.
- Negotiating Federal contracts for site specific contracts for medical department requirements.
- Medical Legal Consultation on selected cases for our companies.
- Accident Reconstruction for contested cases involving a questionable mechanism of injury.