Building 200 MA and MB Wing Characterization at Argonne National Laboratory
OHSTS was directly responsible for the safety and industrial hygiene oversight for the Building MA & MB Wing Characterization located at Argonne National Laboratory. This facility was used from 1964 through 2005 for research associated with nuclear fuel, cladding, and other core components in use or projected for use in experimental, military and commercial reactor core components.
OHSTS responsibilities included ensuring training requirements for the project team were met and maintained, medical requirements were met, implementation of the site specific health and safety plan, implementation of the respiratory protection plan, lockout tagout program, safety inspections and audits, work plan review and JHA approval. Industrial hygiene responsibilities included daily calibration and maintenance of industrial hygiene equipment, noise monitoring, mercury monitoring, heat stress monitoring, physiological monitoring and volatile organic compound monitoring using a photoionization detector.
At right: Danny Kvam, VP OHS Technical Services, performs heatstress monitoring within Hotcell on the Building 200 Hotcell Characterization Project. The yellow color is a result of the liquid bromide solution used in the viewing windows through the 2 feet thick walls.